Upon the 105th anniversary of Tsinghua University, a symposium was held at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (DFLL) to mark the 90th anniversary of DFLL, gathering ahost of Tsinghua alumni.

A scene of the symposium
XieWeihe, vice director of the University Council ofTsinghua University, addressed the symposium. He recalled the remarkable achievements made by DFLL in its initial stage, mentioned its ever-increasing role in the process of conducting humanities researches and building up strong disciplines, and stressed the current importance of bringing up qualified personnel for the country. He appreciated the sustained supports from the alumni of DFLL. Xie closed his speechby calling all faculty and staffof DFLL to live up President Xi Jinping’s expectationconveyed in his congratulatory letter for the105th anniversary of Tsinghua University, pushing forward the process of building up a better department and a better university as a whole.

Famous translator, Professor Xu Yuanchong (middle) on the campus

Famous translator, Professor Wen Jieruo (middle) with leaders of DFLL
Yan Haiping, dean of DFLL, delivered a warm-hearted welcome speech to all alumnithat presented the symposium. She gave a brief review of the DFLL history in its past 90 years, and then expressed the resolution to inherit the legacy of DFLL, i.e.,“integrating Chinese culture with Western ones, linking ancient traditions with modern concepts, and mutual infiltration of liberal arts and sciences". She called on the faculty and staff of DFLL to implementPresident Xi Jinping’sinstruction, doinga good job inthe practice ofdiscipline construction, personnel training,and scientific research. Yan also introduced to the alumni the Institute for World Literatures and Cultures (IWLC), Tsinghua University, which was established at the end of 2014. The establishment of IWLC offered an important platform for DFLL's further development, Yan said. And DFLL would uphold its excellent tradition and endeavor to cultivate a number of young talents who possess humanistic abilities, international vision, and cross-language, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural potentials,striving to be "the salt of the earth" and "light of the world" in human civilization.

Famous translator, Professor Jiang Feng (left) on Tsinghua campus
Some eminent scholars and translators including Xu Yuanchong, Wen Jieruo, Jiang Feng, and other senior alumni delivered speeches at thesymposiumrespectively. Professor Hu Zhuanglin from Peking University and other senior alumni recalled their memorable years in Tsinghua University and extended their heartfelt wishes for the younger generations to inherit the great legacy from the forerunners, revitalizingthe disciplines of Tsinghua humanities in the new era. Some distinguished younger alumni includingProf. Gu Chaoyang from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Zhu Wenli, General Manager of Intel China Enterprise Affairs Department, and world table tennis champion Deng Yaping also made impromptu speeches at thesymposium. All of them expressed their gratitude to DFLL for facilitating them to have possessed cross-cultural vision, multi-language potentials and professional abilities. The symposium winded up with a chorus of Tsinghua University Anthem.

World table tennis championDeng Yapingspeaks at the symposium.

Alumni of DFLL posing for a group photo with their teachers.
Present at the symposium were some 80 distinguished alumni from the circles of education, industry and culture at home and abroad, and former leaders of DFLL, representatives ofDFLL teachers and students.

On the same day, a series of seminars were held at DFLL. Teachers from the newly established eight specialty-oriented divisions participated in each seminar respectively and heldin-depth discussions with alumni of various grades on inheriting academic legacies.