QIN, Xuelan
Sex: Male, Date of Birth: Feb. 13, 1963, Place of Birth: Wufeng, Hubei, P.R. China, Health: Good, Nationality: Tujia, Martial Status: Married with one child, Party Affiliation: Member of the CCP
2017: Litt. D., Tsinghua University, China
9/1994-6/1996: M.A., Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University, China (winner of the First Level Guanghua Scholarship and honored as Tsinghua’s Top 10 Best Members of the CCP among Graduates)
9/1984-6/1986: Foreign Languages Department, Yichang Teachers College (Now China Three Gorges University), Hubei Province
9/1979-7/1981: Normal School of Wufeng County, Hubei Province
Work Experience
9/2003- associate professor teaching English majors and minors translation at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tsinghua University, China, also as Chairman of the Labor Union of the Department, Deputy Secretary of the Party General Branch of the Department (from 1/2010 to 10/2016)
9/1999-8/2003: Senior editor of English books and later director of No.1 Editorial Office of English Publications at Tsinghua University Press, China
9/1996-8/1999: instructor and later associate professor (from July 1999) of English at Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University, China
9/1989-9/1994: English-teaching researcher at the Teaching and Research Institute of Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, Hubei Province
8/1986-8/1989: Teaching at No.1 Middle School of Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, Hubei Province, also serving as Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School and member of the Youth League Committee of the County
8/1981-7/1984: Teaching English at No. 1 Middle School of Wufeng County, Hubei Province
Academic Essays
1. “My View on English Teaching in Middle Schools”, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1990(2):66-8.
2. “On Three Phases of English Teaching in Middle Schools”, Foreign Language World, 1991(2):43-6.
3. “The Signified, Signifier, Ambiguity and Translation”, Collected Essays on Translation by Contemporary Chinese Scholars, Du Chengnan and Wen Jun (eds), Chongqing: Congqing University Press, 1994:228-33.
4. “From ‘Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance’ to “the Plurality and Complementality of Translation Criteria”, Shandong Foreign Languages Journal, 1997(2):33-8.
5. “A New Discussion on the Status and Development Trend of Chinese Language” (Part 1),Chinese Character Culture, 1988(4):2-8.
Academic Essays
1. “My View on English Teaching in Middle Schools”, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1990(2):66-8.
2. “On Three Phases of English Teaching in Middle Schools”, Foreign Language World, 1991(2):43-6.
3. “The Signified, Signifier, Ambiguity and Translation”, Collected Essays on Translation by Contemporary Chinese Scholars, Du Chengnan and Wen Jun (eds), Chongqing: Congqing University Press, 1994:228-33.
4. “From ‘Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance’ to “the Plurality and Complementality of Translation Criteria”, Shandong Foreign Languages Journal, 1997(2):33-8.
5. “A New Discussion on the Status and Development Trend of Chinese Language” (Part 1),Chinese Character Culture, 1988(4):2-8.
6. “A New Discussion on the Status and Development Trend of Chinese Language” (Part 2),Chinese Character Culture, 1989(1):27-34.
7. “A Probe into the Double Standards for Translation”, Translation Quarterly, 2005, No.37:18-46.
8. “A Critical Study of Contemporary Translation Studies”,XVIII FIT World Congress Proceedings (CD-Rom), Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2008.
9. “Language Matters More Than We Thought in Translation: An Afterword to My Chinese Translation of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám”, Translation Quarterly, 2013, No. 67:41-72.
10. “A Rethink of Jacques Derrida’s Notion on Translation”, Frontiers of Literary Theory, vol.11, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2017: 70-90.
11. The Critique of Contemporary Translation Studies, Beijing: Tsinghua University, in press.
Dictionaries,Text Books and others
1. A Dictionary of Classified Usages of Contemporary English with Chinese Translations (《当代英汉双解分类用法词典》) , co-author,Qingdao: Ocean University of Qingdao Press, 1992.
2. History of European Literature (《欧洲文学史》), co-author, Beijing: Commercial Press, 1999.
3. A Course in EC and CE Translation, Accompanied by Comparisons (《英汉对比与互译教程》),Beijing: Science Press, 2001/2008.
4. New English Course: Reading, Students’ Book, Book 1, the 3rd edition. (《新英语教程—阅读·学生用书》第3版第1册), co-author, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1999.
5. New English Course: Reading, Teachers’ Book, Book 1, the 3rd edition.(《新英语教程—阅读·教师用书》第3版第1册), co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press,1999.
6. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Students’ Book, Book 1, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第1册学生用书) co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
7. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Students’ Book, Book 2, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第2册学生用书), co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
8. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Students’ Book, Book 3, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第3册学生用书), co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
9. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Students’ Book, Book 4, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第4册学生用书), co-author, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
10. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Teachers’ Book, Book 1, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第1册教师用书), co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
11. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Teachers’ Book, Book 2, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第2册教师用书), co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
12. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Teachers’ Book, Book 3, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第3册教师用书), co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
13. New English Course: Reading, Writing and Translation, Teachers’ Book, Book 4, the 4th edition. (《新英语教程·读写译》第4版第4册教师用书), co-author. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
6. “A New Discussion on the Status and Development Trend of Chinese Language” (Part 2),Chinese Character Culture, 1989(1):27-34.
7. “A Probe into the Double Standards for Translation”, Translation Quarterly, 2005, No.37:18-46.
8. “A Critical Study of Contemporary Translation Studies”,XVIII FIT World Congress Proceedings (CD-Rom), Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2008.
9. “Language Matters More Than We Thought in Translation: An Afterword to My Chinese Translation of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám”, Translation Quarterly, 2013, No. 67:41-72.
10. “A Rethink of Jacques Derrida’s Notion on Translation”, Frontiers of Literary Theory, vol.11, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2017: 70-90.
11. The Critique of Contemporary Translation Studies, Beijing: Tsinghua University, in press.
Research Grants
1. “The First or the Second” (《前头的和后头的》) , a Chinese folk tale translated into English, College English, 1990(1):75-7.
2. “Shortest Stories” (《超微型小说选译》) , ten English shortest stories translated into Chinese, College English, 1990(6):61-5.
3. “The Poets and the Housewife” (《诗人与妇人》),A fable by Martin Armstrong translated into Chinese, College English, 1991(5):81-4.
4. “A Spiffy Love Letter” (《一封绝妙的情书》) Chinese into English, College English, 1992(4):88-90.
5. “There’s No Conscience in My Family” (《我家没有良心》) , a Chinese folk tale translated into English, College English, 1994(1):82-3.
6. “My son, My teacher” (《我儿亦我师》), an essay by Barrey Cohen translated into Chinese, College English, 1994(2):82-4.
7. A Collections of Poems by Federico Mayor (《马约尔诗选》), translator of 18 of the poems, Beijing: China Translation & Publishing Corporation, 1994.
8. “Playing Chess” (《下棋》), an essay by Liang Shiqiu translated into English, The World Of English, 1997(12):11-6. Reprinted as “Playing Go” in Nordisk GoBlad (a Nordic go journal jointly sponsored by Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland), Nr3, 2003: 22-3.
9. Comparative Poetics: An Intercultural Essay on Theories of Literature (《比较诗学》), co-translator. Beijing: Central Compilation & Translation Press, 1998.
10. The Seven Dials Mystery (《七面钟之谜》) the first translator, Guiyang: Guizhou People’s Publishing House, 1998.
11. “It was A Good Barn” (《昔日,它曾是一座好谷仓》) , co-translated with Liu Yan, The World of English, 1998(2):49-51.
12. The New Complete Works of Shakespeare (《新莎士比亚全集》), translator of the vol. 8. Shijiazhuang: Hebei Education Publishing House.
13. Wriston: Walter Wriston, Citibank, and the Rise and Fall of American Financial Supremacy (《沃尔特·瑞斯顿与花旗银行》), co-translator. Haikou: Hainan Publishing House, 1999.
14. The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (《王尔德全集》), translator of the long poem “Ave Imperatrix”. Beijing: Chinese Literature Press, 2000.
15. The First Part of King Henry VI, The Second Part of King Henry VI and The Third Part of King Henry VI (《亨利六世》上、中、下), Taibei: Ecus Publishing House, 2002.
16. “There’s a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella” (《有位老兄老爱用伞拍打我的脑袋》), The World of English, 2002(11):4-8.
17. “My Friend Luke” (《我的朋友卢克》, The World of English, 2003(1):6-12.
18. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (《人生的七大精神法则》), Haikou: Hainan Publishing House, 2004.
19. “A Life Style” (《活法》), The World of English, 2004(10):4:11, reprinted in Youth Digest, Youth View, Selected Literary Works of the New Century and other journals and newspapers.
20. “A Bird’s-eye View of Iceland” (《冰岛掠影》, a Chinese essay translated into English, The World of English, 2005(10):88-90.
21. “The Man Who Married to Himself” (《跟自个儿结婚的爷们儿》), an English story translated into Chinese. The World of English, 2005(12):4-10.
22. “A Glimpse of Norway” (《挪威一瞥》, a Chinese essay translated into English, The World of English, 2005(12):92-5.
23. Twilight (《暮光之城·暮色》), Nanning: Jieli Publishing House, 2008.(some excerpts reprinted in various journals like Reader (《读者》) , been on the list of “the Most Influential 600 Books of 60 Years of New China”.
24. “Avatar: Science, Civilization and The Noble Savage In Space” (《〈阿凡达〉:科学、文明与太空中的野蛮人》), New Oriental English, 2010(3):46-8.
25. “Dance of a Goddess” (《女神之舞——记“现代舞之母”邓肯》), New Oriental English, 2010(5):35-9.
26. “My Father’s Son” (《父亲的儿子》), New Oriental English, 2010(6):51-3.
27. “The Ambitious Violet” (《紫罗兰的雄心壮志》), New Oriental English · Teens, 2010(6):44-7.
28. “Mark Twain: Novelist, Humorist, and the Citizen of the World” (《马克·吐温:小说家、幽默家兼世界公民》, New Oriental English, 2010(7&8):89-93.
29. “Ending the Oil Spill, Blockbuster-Style” (《大片抢先看,漏油大结局》, New Oriental English, 2010(9):42-4.
30. “Where Good Ideas Come from?” (《奇思妙想从何而来?》, co-translated with my student Bao Yumiao. New Oriental English, 2011(1):39-43.
31. “Photographs That Changed the World” (《改变世界的照片》), co-translated with my student Zheng Lu. New Oriental English, 2011(3):40-4.
32. The Library of Shadows (《读心人》), co-translated with my students You Dandan and Qiao Shasha. Changsha: Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, 2011.
33. A New Chinese Version of Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (《鲁拜集新译》). Beijing: China Translation & Publishing Corporation, 2011.
34. “What Writing the Bad Science Column Have Taught me” (《人人都恨伪科学》), New Oriental English, 2012(2):56-7.
35. Maximum Ride 2: School’s Out—Forever (《疾速天使·命运密码》) co-translated with my students Bao Yumiao and Zheng Lu. Nanning: Jieli Publishing House, 2012.
36. “The Red Wheelbarrow” (《红色手推车》), translation followed by appreciation. New Oriental English · Teens, 2013(7):1.
37. The Complete Works of Shakespeare (《莎士比亚全集》), co-author. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2014.
38. Shakespeare: The Biography (《莎士比亚传》), leading translator. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2014.
39. Dickens (《狄更斯传》), proofreader. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2014.
40. On Happy Life and Other Essays by Seneca (《论幸福生活》). Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2014.
41. The First Part of Henry the Sixth (《亨利六世 上》), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015.
42. The Second Part of Henry the Sixth (《亨利六世 中》), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015.
43. The Third Part of Henry the Sixth (《亨利六世 下》), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015.
Editor or proofreader of works as follows
1) A Dictionary of Answers to Common Questions in English ed. by Zhao Zhencai (《英语常见问题解答大词典·普及版》),co-editor. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2002.
2) China and West: Comparative Poetics and Translatology by Gu Zhengkun (《中西诗比较鉴赏与翻译理论》),editor. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003.
3) A Dictionary of Western Stylistics eds. by Hu Zhuanglin, Liu Shisheng (《西方文体学辞典》),commissioning editor. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2004.
4) A Comprehensive Dictionary of Chinese/English Idioms with English/Chinese Translations by Zhang Xueying and Zhang Hui (《英汉汉英习语大全》),commissioning editor. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005.
Covers of some books mentioned above

Contact Information
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 100084
Tel: 8618813085618
Email: qinxl@tsinghua.edu.cn