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FENG, Zongxin    


PhD, Peking University (1998)

Work Experience

Post-doctoral Fellow/Associate Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University (1998-2000); Associate Professor, Tsinghua University (2000-2004); Professor, Tsinghua University (since 2004); Visiting Scholar, Harvard University (2003-2004); Visiting Scholar, Cambridge University (2007); Fulbright Research Scholar, UC Berkeley (2009-2010).

Research Interests

Linguistic Theory; Semiotics; Pragmatics; Stylistics; Narrative Theory; Cognitive Poetics; Translation Studies

Courses Taught

Graduate and undergraduate courses: Topics in Semiotic Theory; Topics in Narrative Theory; Pragmatics; History of Linguistics; Schools of Modern Linguistics; English Stylistics


(1) Articles in International Journals

Feng, Zongxin. (2024). At the Intersections of Stylistics, Narratology, and Translatology: Shen Dan’s Interdisciplinary Studies. Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, 8(1): 25-40. (Hong Kong: Knowledge Hub Publishing)

Feng, Zongxin. (2022). The Interaction and Rhetorical Conflict Between Systemic Linguistics and Generative Linguistics. Journal of World Languages, 8(1): 1-33. (De Gruyter)

Feng, Zongxin. (2022). Metonymy as a Semiotic Resource in Fictional Narrative. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 18(3): 475-491. (De Gruyter)

Feng, Zongxin. (2021). Reflections on the Reversed “Jabberwocky” in TTLG (Through the Looking-Glass at 150: Eight Retakes). Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction, 51(2): 353-357. (Penn State University Press)

Feng, Zongxin. (2016). Spontaneous Scripts as Fictional Narrative: An Innovation in Postmodern Fiction. Neohelicon, 43(1): 73-88. (Akadémiai Kiadó/Springer Netherlands)

Feng, Zongxin. (2016). Foreign Language/Literature as Human and Social Sciences in the Chinese Context. European Review, 24(2): 335-346. (Cambridge University Press)

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). The Logical Nature of Systemic-Functional Grammar and “Grammatical Logic”. Journal of World Languages, 1(3): 232-241. (Routledge)

Feng, Zongxin. (2013). A Mosaic of Fragments as Narrative Practice: Maqiao Dictionary. Narrative, 21(3): 333-345. (Ohio State University Press)

Feng, Zongxin. (2009). Translation and Reconstruction of a Wonderland: Alice's Adventures in China. Neohelicon, 36(1): 237-251. (Akadémiai Kiadó/Springer Netherlands)

Feng, Zongxin. (2008). Fictional Narrative as History: Reflection and Deflection. Semiotica, 170: 187-199. (Walter de Gruyter)

Feng, Zongxin. (2003). Literary Discourse and the Translator's Role. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 11(1): 45-53. (Multilingual Matters Ltd/Routledge)

Feng, Zongxin & Dan Shen. (2001). The Play off the Stage: The Writer-Reader Relationship in Drama. Language and Literature, 10(1): 79-93. (Sage Publications)

(2) Articles in Anthologies and Proceedings

Feng, Zongxin. (2023). Textual Emotivity and Literary (Im)politeness. In C. Xie (ed.), Advancing (Im)politeness Studies: Cultural, Digital and Emotional Aspects, 115-132. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Feng, Zongxin. (2021). The Meta-ness of Metafiction from a Logical Perspective. In X. Shang (ed.), The Growth and Development of Stylistics in China, 211-229. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2019). A Mathematician’s Fairy Tale: Alice in Wonderland. The I-Harbour Lectures 2019 Foreign Languages and Culture Series, 2-25. Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2016). Style(s) in the Translation and Back-translation of a Classic. In Wu Xianyou (ed.). Stylistics in Progress, 369-387. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2015). Alice in Chinese Translation. In Jon Lindseth (ed.). Alice in a World of Wonderlands (Volume 1: Essays), 187-198. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2015). Chinese Alice 1922: Back Translation and Notes. In Jon Lindseth (ed.). Alice in a World of Wonderlands (Volume 2: Back-Translations), 122-127. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

Feng, Zongxin; Yizhen Wei; Howard Chang; Gina Chiu Chang. (2015). Chinese Translations and Adaptations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In Jon Lindseth (ed.). Alice in a World of Wonderlands (Volume 3: Checklists), 130-196. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). Edgar Allan Poe in Classical and Vernacular Chinese Translations. In Emron Esplin and Margarida Vale de Gato (eds.). Translated Poe (Perspectives on Edgar Allan Poe Series 3), 175-186. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). Random Files as Fiction: A Stylistic-Narrative Innovation. In Su Xiaojun (ed.). Stylistics: Empirical, Cognitive, Interdisciplinary, 186-201. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2012). Sense and Nonsense: Metalinguistic Presentation of Absurdity in Through the Looking Glass. In Yu Shanzhi (ed.). Stylistics: Exploration and Application, 329-341. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2011). On the Logical Nature of Modality in Functional Grammar. Studies in Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis (III), 32-45. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2010). Hedged Performatives and Implicit Performatives in Fictional Discourse. In Yu Dongming (ed.). Stylistics: Past, Present and Future, 210-225. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2008). Metalanguage in the Making of Fiction. In Liu Shisheng et al (eds.). Stylistics: China and the World, 236-244. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2006). Metalinguistic Features and Literary Translatability. In Luo Xuanmin (ed.). Translation Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 258-269. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2005). Hedged Fictional Propositions and Faithful Literary Translation, Translation Quarterly, 38: 42-61. (The Hong Kong Translation Society)

Feng, Zongxin. (2000). The Pragmatics of English Dialogues in the Chinese Context, Gothenburg Papers in Computational Linguistics (Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogues), 5: 79-84. (Gothenburg University)

Burstein, Mark, & Feng, Zongxin. (2015). Another Ben Trovato, Knight Letter, 2(24): 10-11. (The Lewis Carroll Society of North America, ISSN: 0193-886X)

(3) Monographs

Feng, Zongxin. (2006). An Introduction to Schools of Modern Linguistics (in Chinese). Beijing: Peking University Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2002). Pragmastylistics of Dramatic Texts: The Play off the Stage. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

Liu, Runqing & Feng, Zongxin. (2003). Theories and Schools of Linguistics. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University Press.

(4) Articles in Chinese

Feng, Zongxin. (2023). Logico-semantic Deviation and Conceptual Innovation in the Song Lyric, Cognitive Poetics, 13: 113-128.

Feng, Zongxin. (2021). A Semiotic Study of Cognitive Roundabouts in Metonymy, Foreign Language in China, 18(1): 7-8. (DOI: 10.13564/j.cnki.issn.1672-9382.2021.01.004)

Feng, Zongxin. (2020). The Intersection of Modern Linguistic Theory and Critical Literary Theory, Journal of Beijing International Studies University, 42(1): 3-19. (DOI: 10.12002/j.bisu.266)

Feng, Zongxin. (2018). Literary Theory and Theoretical Issues in Literary Science, Foreign Language and Literature, 35(4): 386-406. (DOI: 10.19716/j.1672-4720.2018.04.04feng)

Feng, Zongxin. (2017). The Multi-facetedness of Contemporary Pragmatics and its Semiotic Dimensions, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 49(5): 675-687.

Feng, Zongxin. (2017). Cognitive Poetics as a Post-classical “Literaturology”, Cognitive Poetics, 4: 1-14.

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). Introduction of Structuralism and Critical Literary Theory in China, Frontiers of Literary Theory, 12: 73-105.

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). Literariness in Everyday Discourse and Narrativity in a Random Collage of Fragments, Cognitive Poetics, 1: 46-55.

Feng, Zongxin. (2013). On “Grammatical Logic” in Systemic-Functional Linguistics, Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, (4): 5-11.

Feng, Zongxin. (2012). Linguistic Indeterminacy and Fuzziness in Systemic-Functional Grammar, Foreign Language Research, (5): 41-47.

Feng, Zongxin. (2011). A Cognitive Poetics Analysis of Through the Looking Glass, Foreign Language and Literature, (2): 31-36.

Feng, Zongxin. (2011). The Modality System in Systemic-Functional Linguistics: Logic, Semantics, Pragmatics, Foreign Language Education, (6): 1-5.

Feng, Zongxin. (2008). The Gricean Principles: Forty Years On, Foreign Language Education, (5): 1-8.

Feng, Zongxin. (2007). Metalinguistic Devices in Fiction: Narration and Commentary, Foreign Language Education, (2): 7-11.

Feng, Zongxin. (2006). On Metalinguistic Issues in Literary Translation, Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, (4): 62-66.

Feng, Zongxin. (2005). Metalanguage and Foreign Language Teaching, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, (9): 24-27.

Feng, Zongxin. (2005). On Linguistic Metalanguage and Metalinguistic Studies, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 40(6): 403-410.

Feng, Zongxin. (2005). Linguistic Construction and Paradoxes of Reality in Realistic Fiction, Foreign Language Education, (1): 74-78.

Feng, Zongxin. (2003). Multiple Levels of Literary Discourse and the Role of the Translator, Chinese Translators' Journal, (3): 29-31.

Feng, Zongxin. (2003). A Study on Normative Function s of the Sincerity and Trust Principle in Interpersonal Communication, Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), (5): 76-80.

Feng, Zongxin. (2002). The Idealization of the Theory of Conversational Implicature and Its Realistic Significance, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, (8): 7-9.

Feng, Zongxin. (2000). On Linguistic Form and Literary Significance in Narrative Fiction, Journal of Foreign Languages, (4): 75-77.

Feng, Zongxin. (2000). On Functionalism in Generative Stylistics, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, (1): 15-18.

Feng, Zongxin. (1997). Pragmatics, Stylistics and Literary Studies, Foreign Literatures, (3): 24-30.

Hu, Zhuanglin; Feng, Zongxin and Luo, Yu (1994). Acquisition in College English Education, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, (4): 15-18.

(5) Translations in Chinese

Gardner, Martin. (2008/2012). The Second Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press.

Gardner, Martin. (2009/2012). Hexaflexagons and Other Mathematical Diversions: The First Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Games. Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press.

Gardner, Martin. (2020). Magic Squares and Origami (Complete Works of Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Puzzles 1), Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press, 2020.

Gardner, Martin. (2020). Mazes and the Golden Ratio (Complete Works of Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Puzzles 2), Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press.

Gardner, Martin. (2020). Paradoxes and Fallacies (Complete Works of Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Puzzles 3), Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press.

Kierkegaard, Søren. (1997/2009). Either/Or (Vol. 1). China Workers Press.

Swisher, Kara. (2000). How Steve Case Beat Bill Gates, Nailed the Netheads, and Made Millions in the War for the Web. Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press.

Walpole, Horace. (1998). The Castle of Otranto (with The History of the Caliph Vathek by William Beckford). Baihua Literature and Art Press.

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Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084

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