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YIN, Li    

Professor, Center for the Study of Language and Psychology


Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2005) (Advisor: Richard Anderson)

M. A. in Linguistics, Jilin University (1997) (Advisor: Liu Xiyan)

B. A. in English Language and Literature, Jilin University (1994)

Work Experience

Tsinghua University, Professor (2013-present)

University of Washington, Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar (2015-2016) (Host professor: Virginia Berninger)

Tsinghua University, Associate Professor (2008-2013)

Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor (1997-2008)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Research Assistant (2001 – 2005)

Research Interests

Early literacy development

Cognition and instruction

Teacher education

Courses Taught

Introduction to Research Design

Learning Psychology

Psychology of Reading

Language and Literacy Development Seminar

Everyday Mindfulness


Journal papers

Cheng, X., Yin, L.*, Lin, C., Shi, Z., Zheng, H., Zhu, L., Liu, X., Chen, K., & Dong, R. (2024). Chatbot dialogic reading boosts comprehension

           for Chinese kindergarteners with higher language skills. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, accepted on 19 Dec 2023.


郑坤, 尹莉, 陈柯燃, 董睿 (2024). 《思维模式对小学生阅读理解能力的影响研究》,《教育生物学杂志》, 2023年12月22日接受

Yin, L., & McBride, C. (2023). A longitudinal study on sensitivity to symmetry in writing and associations with early literacy abilities. 

          Frontiers in Education - Educational Psychology (accepted on 13 Mar 2023, in press)

Lui, K., Ye, Y., McBride, C., Yin, L., & Tse, C. (2023). Reduction in right lateralized N2 error response to stroke order violations in poor 

         Chinese word spellers: A study on event-related potential markers for Chinese reading and spelling. Journal of Experimental Child 

         Psychology, 229, DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2023.105625

Dong, R., & Yin, L. (2023, in press). Visual-motor integration and writing development: A systematic review of empirical research in 

         Chinese. In Ye, Y., Inoue, T., Maurer, U., & McBride, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Spelling and Writing: Theory, Research, and Practice

         UK: Routledge

Yin, L., Lai, J., Zhang, S., Bao, C., & Zhao, J. (2022). Early reading skills in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder. Reading 

          and Writing. May 2022 (Early Access). DOI: 10.1007/s11145-022-10300-7

Ye, Y., Tong, C., McBride, C., Yin, L., &Tse, C. (2021). Concurrent and longitudinal predictors of beginning writing in Chinese: The 

          unique role of copying skills. Reading and Writing. Mar 2021 (Early Access). DOI: 10.1007/s11145-021-10149-2.

Anna Gurevich, 尹莉(2021).《以色列外来移民希伯来语教育的实践和意义》,《语言战略研究》,6(5), 60-68

Yin, L., Joshi, R. M., & Yan, H. (2020). Knowledge about dyslexia among early literacy teachers in China. Dyslexia, 26 (3), 247-265.

Ye, Y., McBride, C., Yin, L., Cheang, L., &Tse, C. (2020). A model of Chinese spelling development in Hong Kong kindergarteners. 

          Journal of Learning Disabilities. Dec 2020 (Early Access). DOI: 10.1177/0022219420979959.

Yin, L.*, Joshi, R. M., Li, D., & Kim, S-K. (2020). Decisions about consonant doubling among nonnative speakers of English: 

          Graphotactic and phonological influences. Reading and Writing, 33(7), 1839-1858.

Yin, L.*, Joshi, R. M., Li, D., & Kim, S-K. (2020, in press). Decisions about consonant doubling among nonnative speakers of 

          English: Graphotactic and phonological influences. Reading and Writing, DOI: 10.1007/s11145-020-10017-5

Yin, L.*, Joshi, R. M., & Yan, H. (2019). Knowledge about dyslexia among early literacy teachers in China. Dyslexia, 1-19, 

          DOI: 10.1002/dys.1635

Bae, H.S., Yin, L., & Joshi, R. M. (2019). Knowledge about basic language constructs among teachers of English as a foreign language 

          in China and South Korea. Annals of Dyslexia, 69, 136–152. DOI: 10.1007/s11881-018-00169-z

Otake, S., Treiman, R., & Yin, L. (2018). Preschoolers’ knowledge about language-specific properties of writing.British Journal of 

          Developmental Psychology, 36 (4), 667-672.DOI:10.1111/bjdp.12240

Yin, L.* & McBride, C. (2017). Unspoken knowledge: Kindergarteners are sensitive to patterns in Chinese pinyin before formally 

          learning it. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 33, 65-76. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2017.1360502

Li, S. & Yin, L. * (2017). Sensitivity to stroke emerges in kindergartners reading Chinese script. Frontiers in Psychology,8, 1-8. 

          DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00889

Otake, S., Treiman, R., & Yin, L. (2017). Differentiation of writing and drawing by U.S. two- to five-year-olds. Cognitive Development

          43, 119-128. DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2017.03.004

Zhang, L., Yin, L.*, & Treiman, R. (2017). Chinese children's early knowledge about writing. British Journal of Developmental 

          Psychology, 35 (3), 349-358. DOI: 10.1111/bjdp.12171

Yin, L.* & McBride, C. (2015). Chinese kindergartners learn to read characters analytically. Psychological Science. 26(4),424-432.

Wang, Y., Yin, L.*, & McBride, C. (2015). Unique predictors of early reading and writing: A one-year longitudinal study of Chinese 

          kindergarteners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32 (3), 51-59.

Yin, L.* & Treiman, R. (2013). Name writing in Mandarin-speaking children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,116, 199-215.

Luo, Y., Chen, X. Deacon, S., Zhang, J. & Yin, L. (2013). The role of visual processing in learning to read Chinese characters. Scientific 

         Studies of Reading, 17 (1), 22-40.

Yin, L.*, Li. W., Chen, X., Anderson, R. C, Zhang, J., Shu, H., & Jiang, W. (2011). The role of tone awareness and pinyin in Chinese reading. 

         Writing Systems Research, 3 (1), 59-68.

Treiman R. & Yin, L.* (2011). Early differentiation between drawing and writing in Chinese young children. Journal of Experimental 

         Child Psychology, 108, 786-801.

Yin, L.* (2009). Finding its way in the tide of globalization: Tendency and deficiency of Chinese children’s literature since mid-1990s. 

         Neohelicon 36(1), 73–85.

Wu, X., Anderson, R., Li, W., Wu, X., Li, H., Zhang, J., Zheng, Q., Zhu, J., Shu, H., Jiang, W., Chen, X., Wang, Q, Yin.,L., He, Y., 

         Packard, & J., Gaffney, J. (2009). Morphological awareness and Chinese children’s literacy development:An intervention study. 

         Scientific Studies of Reading, 1, 26-52.

Yin, L.*, Anderson, R., & Zhu, J. (2007). Stages in Chinese children’s reading of English words, Journal of Educational Psychology

         99 (4), 852-866.

Book chapters

Yin, L. & Sun, Y. (2017). Chinese-speaking societies. In Kucirkova, N., Snow, C., Grover, V., & McBride, C. (Eds.), The Routledge 

         International Handbook of Early Literacy Education, 223-232.UK: Routledge

Yin, L. (2017). Development of writing skills in children. In Sybesma, R., Behr, W., Gu, Y., Handel, Z., Huang, C.-T., J.,& Mayers, 

         J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, 29-32. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Translated works

Storr, A. (2001). Freud. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.《弗洛伊德与精神分析》(2008),尹莉(译),


International conference presentations

Cheng, X., Yin, L.*, Lin, C., Shi, Z, Zheng, H., Zhu, L., Liu, X., Chen, K., & Dong, R. (2024). Dialogic Reading with a Chatbot Promotes Chinese

          Kindergarteners’ Story Comprehension and Word Learning. The 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. Philadelphia,

          Pennsylvania, USA. April. 11-14, 2024

Zheng, K., Yin, L.*, Chen, K., & Dong, R. (2024). The development of academic and reading Mindset - meaning systems and their relationship with

          native Chinese and EFL. The 8th Annual Conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA), Jeju, South Korea,

          Feb 29 - Mar 1, 2024

Xia, L., Wang, Y., & Yin, L.* (2024). The role of handwriting in Chinese reading and writing for Children with autism spectrum disorder. The 8th

         Annual Conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA), Jeju, South Korea, Feb 29 - Mar 1, 2024

Chen, K., Yin, L.*, Joshi, R., M., Zheng, K., Dong, R., & Xia, L. (2024). Validating the componential model of reading in Mandarin Chinese:

         A cross-sectional study in grades 1-6. The 8th Annual Conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA), Jeju,

         South Korea, Feb 29 - Mar 1, 2024

Sun, R., Yin, L., & Joshi, R. M. Role of counting skill in early reading and arithmetic: A comparison between Chinese kindergarteners 

         and primary schoolers. The 30th Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), Port Douglas, 

         Queensland, Australia, July 19 – 22, 2023.

Sun, R., Yin, L., & Joshi, R. M. Verbal counting in Chinese kindergarteners: Associations with early reading and arithmetic abilities. 

         The 7th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA), Held online from Hong Kong, 

         February 23-24, 2023.

Sun, R., Yin, L., Joshi, R., Gurevich, A., & Chen, C. Counting and rapid automatized naming: Relations to arithmetic and reading 

         fluency in Chinese children. Spoken paper to be presented on the Fourth Annual Conference of Association for Reading and 

         Writing in Asia, Beijing, China, Feb. 27-28, 2020

Gurevich, A.., Yin, L., McBride, C., & Zheng, K. Orthographic awareness and reading in Chinese among bilingual kindergarteners 

          learning Chinese a second language (CSL). Spoken paper to be presented on the Fourth Annual Conference of Association for 

          Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, China, Feb. 27-28, 2020

Zheng, K., Yin, L., Joshi, R., Sun, R., & Tan, T. Relations of compounding awareness and growth mindset to reading comprehension in 

          Chinese children. Spoken paper to be presented on the Fourth Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia

          Beijing, China, Feb. 27-28, 2020

Yin, L., Joshi, R. M., Li, D., & Kim, S-K. Graphotactic as well as phonological influences on decisions about consonant doubling among 

           non-native speakers of English. The Third annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia. Goa, India, 


Yin, L. & McBride, C. Sensitivity to symmetry in Chinese characters and early literacy: A longitudinal study. The 24th annual conference 

           for the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2017. 07.12-15.

Yin, L., Joshi, R. M., & Yan, H. Knowledge about dyslexia among in-service early literacy teachers in China. The First Annual Conference 

          of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA). Hong Kong, China, 2017. 02. 24-25.

Yin, L. & McBride, C. Sensitivity to phonological representation of Chinese in the  kindergarteners. The 22nd Annual Conference of the 

          Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR), Hawaii, USA, 2015.07.15-18.

Sun Y., Yin, L., & McBride, C. Chinese kindergarteners use orthographic knowledge in learning to write. The 22nd Annual Conference of 

          the Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR), Hawaii, USA, 2015.07.15-18.

Yin, L. The teenage behavior and brain: Reflections on the low-age trend in the flow of Chinese students to the West.International Conference 

          on Humanities and Social Sciences, Globalization, and China. Beijing, China. 2014.5.15-17

Yin, L. & McBride-Chang, C., Chinese kindergarteners learn to read characters analytically. The 20th Annual Conference of the Society 

          for the Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR), Hong Kong,2013.07.10-13

Yin, L. & Treiman, R., How Chinese children learn to write their names, The 19th Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific 

         Studies of Reading (SSSR), Montreal, Canada, 2012.07.11-14.

Yin, L. & Treiman, R., Young Chinese children differentiate between drawing and writing, The 17th Annual Conference of the Society 

         for the Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR), Berlin, Germany, 2010.07.12-15.

Yin, L., Chinese children follow similar developmental pattern in decoding English words: Evidence from Chinese 2nd,4th, and 6th graders. 

        International Conference of British Dyslexia Association, Harrogate, UK,2008.04.12-13.

Invited talks

Yin, L. (2023). Nature and Factors of Mind and Brain Development: Taking Reading as an Example. Zhangqiu District Futai Primary School

        2023.2.21, Jinan, Shandong, China.

Yin, L. (2020). How Much Do Teachers Know about Students’ Difficulties in Learning to Read? The 3rd Brain Science and Education Forum 

        of the Alliance of Metropolitan Academies of Education and Sciences in China. 2020.12. 16, Beijing.

Yin, L. (2020). Early Literacy Development in Chinese: Current Research and Reflection. Martin Centre for Applicable Linguistics Cloud Forum 

       of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2020.11.29, Shanghai.

Yin, L. (2019). Growth Mindset and Education Innovation: Let Every Child Grow. Anqing Education Innovation Workshops. 2019.3.29. Anhui, China.

Yin, L. (2018). Influence of Growth Mindset-Facilitating Environment on Early Literacy Development. Children’s Intellectual and Brain Development 

       Collaborative Research Meeting in China. 2018.4. 28, Beijing

Yin, L. (2018). Build a Growth Mindset Facilitating Ecology for Young Children’s Reading Development. Kindergarten Principals’ Seminar on Early 

       Reading Development, 2018.1. 10. Beijing

Yin, L. (2019). Growth Mindset and Education Innovation: Let Every Child Grow. Anqing Education Innovation Workshops. 2019.3.29. Anhui, China

Yin, L. (2015). Mindfulness Is within You, from Birth. Peking University National School of Development,Interdisciplinary Lectures on Humanity 

       and Society, 2015.6.13, Beijing

Yin, L. (2013). Delight in the Sun: Mindful Parenting. Capital Normal University Parent Class Lecture Series,2013.11.20, Beijing.

Yin, L. (2015). Development of Knowledge about Writing in Chinese Young Children, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Psychology, Reading 

       and Visual Cognition Lab,  2015.8.11, Beijing

Academic Services

Associate Editor:

Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Funding agency peer reviewers:

- National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(since 2010)

- Beijing Natural Science Foundation(since 2011)

- Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (since 2012)

- Research and Development Projects of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research

(SCOLAR) of Hong Kong(since 2015)

Journal peer reviewers::

- Developmental Psychology(since 2012)

- Developmental Science(since 2011)

- Scientific Studies of Reading (since 2011)

- Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal(since 2010)

- PLoS ONE (since 2013);

- Journal of Learning Disabilities(since 2013)

- Applied Psycholinguistics (since 2015)

- Early Childhood Research Quarterly (since 2016)

- Research in Developmental Disabilities (since2016)

Research Grants

Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (2022THZWJC11), "The Role of Visual Motor Integration in Early Writing 

         Development among Chinese Children", 2022-2024, Principal investigator.

National Social Science Foundation of China Grant (NSSF,21BYY110), "Validating Componential Model of Reading among Monolingual 

         Chinese Children", 2021-2025, Principal investigator.

Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (Applied Program, 2016THZWYY07). Growth Mindset-based Early Reading 

         Intervention. 2017~2019,  Principal investigator.

National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant (NSFC, 81371497), “Early Identification of Chinese Children at Risk for Dyslexia: 

         Implicit Knowledge about Written Language and Print-Sound Link Learning Ability”, 2014~2017,Principal investigator.

Open Research Fund of the Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science (201409), 

        “Development of Knowledge about the Formal Characteristics of Writing in Young Children”.2014-2015,Principal investigator.

National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant (NSFC, 30800305), “Early Development of Writing in Chinese Children Aged 

         2 to 6”, 2009 -2011, Principal investigator.

Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (20121088017), “Early Precursors of Reading and Writing Difficulty in 

         Chinese”, 2012-2015,Principal investigator.

Education and Social Science Research Enhancement Grant of Tsinghua University (2009WKYB011), “Bi-literacy Development in 

         Chinese Preschool Children”, 2009-2010, Principal investigator.

Chinese Overseas Returning Scholar Grant (OS0045), “Use of Analogy in Word Decoding in Chinese School Children”, 2006-2007, 

         Principal investigator.

Contact Information

Address:Room 313, Wen Nan Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 100084.

Telephone: 8610-62781156(Office)

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