Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Place of Birth: Wuhan, Hubei
Harvard University Ed.D. (Quantitative Policy Analysis in Education)
Harvard University Ed.M. (Education)
Drury University Ed.M. (Education for Public Services)
Tsinghua University M.A. (English for Specific Purposes)
Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech. B.A. (English for Science and Technology)
Professor Tsinghua University
Associate Professor Tsinghua University
Teaching Fellow Harvard University
Assistant Professor Tsinghua University
Instructor Tsinghua University
Research Interests
language education and testing; English academic writing; language and educational technology; quantitative analysis in education; language and reading development
Courses Taught
Graduate level: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs in Language Education Research; English for Doctoral Students; English Language Teaching: Theory and Methodology
Undergraduate level: English for Research Publication Purposes (undergraduates); Academic English Reading and Writing; Comprehensive English
Research Papers in English:
(1)Yuan Tian & Qian Guo. Supervisory feedback on Chinese doctoral students’ drafts of a research article. Education Sciences. 2023 13, 731. doi: 10.3390/educsci13070731 [ESCI]
(2)Qian Guo, Young-Suk Grace Kim, Yan Liu, Yan Peng, Wenkai Sun, Jin Yan, & Li Yang. Differential effects of a reading strategy intervention program for migrant children in migrant schools in China. Frontiers in Education. 2023 8:1066609. doi: [ESCI]
(3)Qian Guo, Ruiling Feng, & Yuanfang Hua. How effectively can EFL students use automated written corrective feedback (AWCF) in research writing? Computer Assisted Language Learning. 2022 35(9): 2312-2331. doi: 10.1080/09588221.2021.1879161 [SSCI]
(4)Ruiling Feng & Qian Guo. Second language speech fluency: What is in the picture and what is missing. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022 13:859213. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.859213 [SSCI]
(5)Qian Guo, Hong Li, & Wenkai Sun. Globalization or institution? Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. 2022 27(4): 595-619. doi: 10.1080/13547860.2020.1837448 [SSCI]
(6)Qian Guo, Young-Suk Grace Kim, Yan Liu, Yan Peng, Wenkai Sun, Yijie Wang, & Li Yang. The effects of a summer reading program for migrant children in migrant schools: First-year results from a randomized experiment. Asia Pacific Education Review. 2021 22(1): 139-154. doi: 10.1007/s12564-020-09659-5 [SSCI]
(7)Yunlong Huang, Minghu Jiang, Qian Guo, & Wang Yuling. Delving into the working mechanism of prediction in sentence comprehension: An ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021 12:608379. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.608379 [SSCI]
(8)Young-Suk Grace Kim, Qian Guo, Yan Liu, Yan Peng, & Li Yang. Multiple pathways by which morphological awareness is related to reading comprehension: Evidence from Chinese second graders. Reading Research Quarterly. 2020 55(2): 193-212. doi:10.1002/rrq.262 [SSCI]
(9)Qian Guo & Wenkai Sun. Re-examining economic returns to Communist Party membership in Mainland China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. 2019 24(1): 24-41. doi: 10.1080/13547860.2018.1490069 [SSCI]
(10)Yunlong Huang, Minghu Jiang, Qian Guo, Yuling Wang, & Fan-Pei Gloria Yang. Dissociation of the confounding influences of expectancy and integrative difficulty residing in anomalous sentences in event-related potential studies. JoVE. 2019 147, e59436. doi:10.3791/59436 [SSCI; SCI]
(11)Yunlong Huang, Minghu Jiang, Qian Guo, & Fan-Pei G. Yang. N400 amplitude does not recover from disappearance after repetitions despite reinitiated semantic integration difficulty. NeuroReport. 2018 29(16): 1341-1348. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001108 [SSCI; SCI]
(12)Qian Guo, Wenkai Sun, & Yijie Wang. Effect of parental migration on children's health in rural China. Review of Development Economics. 2017 21(4): 1132-1157. doi:10.1111/rode.12289 [SSCI]
(13)Qian Guo, Yang Song, Wenkai Sun, & Yijie Wang. Gender differences in performance-based pay: Evidence from a Chinese university. China Economic Review. 2016 41: 104-113. doi: 10.1016/j.chieco.2016.09.002 [SSCI]
(14)Qian Guo, Young-Suk Grace Kim, Li Yang, & Lihui Liu. Does previewing answer choice options improve performance on reading tests? Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 2016 29(4): 745-760. doi: 10.1007/s11145-016-9626-z [SSCI]
(15)Qian Guo & Wenkai Sun. Economic returns to English proficiency for college graduates in Mainland China. China Economic Review. 2014 30: 290-300. doi: 10.1016/j.chieco.2014.07.014 [SSCI]
(16)Qian Guo & Daniel Koretz. Estimating the impact of the Massachusetts English immersion law on limited English proficient students’ reading achievement. Educational Policy. 2013 27(1): 121-149. doi: 10.1177/0895904812462776 [SSCI]
Research Papers in Chinese:
(17)Qian Guo, Ruiling Feng, & Yuanfang Hua. Using ChatGPT in English Academic Writing: Benefits and Issues. Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education. 2023 (2): 18-23.
(18)Ruiling Feng & Qian Guo. Causal research based on natural experiments: Examples from language education. Tsinghua Journal of Education. 2023 44(2): 88-98 + 148.
(19)Hao Zhang, Sha Wu, Qian Guo, & Wenxia Zhang. A study on the attitudes toward transforming the NMET into a computerized test. Journal of Schooling Studies. 2019 16(3): 101-112.
(20)Sha Wu, Wenxia Zhang, & Qian Guo. Survey of graduate students’ needs for English ability. Academic Degrees & Graduate Education. 2018 (3): 47-53.
(21)Hao Zhang, Qian Guo, & Wenxia Zhang. A study on the attitudes toward reform on the NMET Test report. Foreign Language Research. 2018 (1): 71-78.
(22)Hao Zhang, Wenxia Zhang, Sha Wu, & Qian Guo. A survey on attitudes toward holding the National Matriculation English Test twice a year. China Examinations. 2018 (1): 20-26.
(23)Wenxia Zhang, Qian Guo, Sha Wu, & Hao Zhang. Status quo of and reform proposals for English education in China: Based on a survey of status quo and reform needs of foreign language testing in China. Foreign Languages in China. 2017 14(6): 18-26.
(24)Wenkai Sun & Qian Guo. Economic returns to off-campus employment for college graduates in Mainland China. China Economics of Education Review. 2016 1(1): 112-128.
(25)Qian Guo & Wenkai Sun. Employment status and associated factors: Analysis based on a survey of newly graduated students from Tsinghua University. Tsinghua Journal of Education. 2015 36(4): 77-82.
(26)Wenkai Sun & Qian Guo. Economic returns to student leadership experiences for college graduates in Mainland China. Statistical Research. 2015 32(5): 64-69.
(27)Wenkai Sun, Qian Guo, & Xiaoxia Wang. A study on real unemployment rate of college graduates. Studies in Labor Economics. 2014 2(5): 48-67.
(28)Qian Guo. Effect of collocation on sentence processing. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. 2012 (10): 19-22.
(29)Qian Guo. Comparing studies in China and abroad on cross-language transfer from Chinese to English. Tsinghua Journal of Education. 2012 33(5): 120-124.
(30)Ru Xing & Qian Guo. Sentence completion in English reading comprehension tests. Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences). 2004 19(S1): 91-95.
(31)Zhongshe Lv & Qian Guo. Reading: A process of decoding or interaction? Foreign Language Education. 2004 25(4): 61-64.
(32)Qian Guo. Promoting learner autonomy in college English teaching with formative assessment. Journal of Xi'an International Studies University. 2004 12(2): 66-68.
(33)Qian Guo, Ru Xing, & Mingbo Shen. Standardization of marking and reliability of oral tests. Tsinghua Journal of Education. 2003 24(S1): 135-139.
(34)Qian Guo & Zhiqiang Yang. Formative assessment and college English teaching and testing. Tsinghua Journal of Education. 2003 24(5): 103-108.
(35)Qian Guo & Xiuyuan Zhang. Language patterns in English magazine article titles. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. 2003 (8): 59-63.
(36)Qian Guo & Changning Huang. Morton Benson’s research on collocation and his BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English. Linguistics Abroad. 1995 (4): 18-20.
Books and Book Chapters:
(37)Qian Guo, Ruiling Feng, & Yuanfang Hua. Automated Written corrective feedback in research paper revision: The good, the bad, and the missing. London and New York: Routledge. 2023.
(38)Qian Guo & Ruiling Feng. Application of experimental and quasi-experimental designs in language education research. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 2022. [in Chinese]
(39)Wenxia Zhang, Sha Wu, Qian Guo, et al. Status quo of and reform proposals for foreign language proficiency assessment. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2022. [in Chinese]
(40)Yuanfang Hua & Qian Guo. Effects of intentional versus incidental learning tasks with different involvement loads on L2 vocabulary learning. In Zhongshe Lu, Meihua Liu, & Wenxia Zhang (Eds.). Teaching and researching Chinese EFL/ESL learners in the 21st century (pp. 232–249). London: Routledge. 2021.
(41)Ruiling Feng & Qian Guo. A multidimensional analysis of register features in Chinese undergraduate EFL learners’ academic writing through projects. In Zhongshe Lu, Meihua Liu, & Wenxia Zhang (Eds.). Teaching and researching Chinese EFL/ESL learners in the 21st century (pp. 294–314). London: Routledge. 2021.
(42)Qian Guo, Yining Zhang, & Yi Yan (Eds.). International & interdisciplinary: New trends and perspectives in English language teaching at tertiary level. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 2020.
(43)Qian Guo, Meihua Liu, & Yi Yan. (2019). Challenges for EFL undergraduates in research paper writing from sources. In Qian Guo, Yining Zhang, & Yi Yan (Eds.). International & interdisciplinary: New trends and perspectives in English language teaching at tertiary level. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 2020: 68–77.
Translation Works:
(44)Paul L. Harris. Qian Guo, Liping Liu, Caihong Wei, & Yi Yang (trans.). Children and Emotion: The Development of Psychological Understanding. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing. 2012.
(45)Satyajit Das. Zhiqiang Yang, Qian Guo, & Yingxin Gong (trans.). Risk Management. Beijing: China Modern Economic Publishing House. 2012.
11 coursebooks, covering areas such as academic English, college English, English for master of engineering students, English for MBA students, and electronic business English
Sponsored Projects
(1)Core curriculum system construction for English majors (RMB¥50,000)
Tsinghua University Undergraduate Education Innovation Grants, DX01-14, 2024.1 - 2024.12
Role: Principal Investigator
(2)Constructing a multi-draft corpus of doctoral students’ English research articles: From coursework to publication (RMB¥80,000)
Tsinghua University Graduate Education Innovation Grants, 202303J033, 2023.6 - 2024.5
Role: Principal Investigator
(3)A study of the effects of feedback on the quality of students’ English research articles (RMB¥100,000)
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, 2019THZWJC51, 2020.1 - 2022.12
Role: Principal Investigator
(4)A randomized intervention study of migrant children’s reading development (RMB¥576,000: 480,000 direct + 96,000 indirect)
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71874094, 2019.1 - 2022.12
Role: Principal Investigator
(5)Research on innovative models of foreign language writing instruction, subtopic of “Research on foreign language teaching practices” (a sub-project of “Foreign language education studies”, Project of Discipline Innovation and Advancement), 2020.1 - 2021.6
Beijing Municipal Education Commission
Role: Principal Investigator (subtopic of sub-project) (overall PI: Wenbin Wang, Beijing Foreign Studies University)
(6)Exploration and practice for the undergraduate course “English for Research Publication Purposes” (RMB¥60,000)
Tsinghua University Undergraduate Education Innovation Grants, ZY01-01, 2018.1 - 2019.12
Role: Principal Investigator
(7)Empirical study of the effects of educational interventions on migrant children’s academic development (RMB¥300,000)
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, 2015THZWYY06, 2016.1 - 2018.12
Role: Principal Investigator
(8)Survey of current status of and social needs for foreign languages testing in China (RMB¥80,000), sub-project of “Constructing the China English Proficiency Scale” (Key Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research), 2015.6 - 2016.12
Ministry of Education, 15JZD049
Role: Principal Investigator (sub-project) (overall PI: Jianda Liu, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
(9)Quantitative analysis of the relationship between college graduates’ human capital and their starting salaries (RMB¥180,000)
National Social Science Foundation of China, 13BJY041, 2013.6 - 2015.8
Role: Principal Investigator
(10)Research on the system for selection, cultivation, and evaluation of top-notch innovative talents in China (RMB¥300,000)
Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, 20215080058, 2021.10 - 2024.10
Role: project participant (PI: Kun Yan, Tsinghua University)
(11)A study of major reform measures to cultivate innovative talents through collaboration between science and education (RMB¥100,000)
National High-End Think Tank Project, 20228010019, 2022.5 - 2022.12
Role: project participant (PI: Kun Yan, Tsinghua University)
(12)Economic impact of social identity on the migrant population and its policy implications (RMB¥170,000)
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71603266, 2017.1 - 2019.12
Role: project participant (PI: Wenkai Sun, Renmin University of China)
(13)Developing more effective test-based accountability by improving validity under high-stakes conditions (US$1,564,712)
Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, R305A110420, 2011-2015
Role: project participant (PI: Daniel Koretz, Harvard University)
(14)Education accountability project: Creating self-monitoring assessments (US$35,000)
Spencer Foundation, 201200071, 2011-2012
Role: project participant (PI: Daniel Koretz, Harvard University)
(15)Phase 2 of an international, comparative program of research and development on test-based educational accountability systems (US$209,762)
Spencer Foundation, 201100075, 2009-2011
Role: project participant (PI: Daniel Koretz, Harvard University)
(16)Extracting knowledge for machine translation from a bilingual corpus (RMB¥100,000)
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 69672027, 1997.1 - 1999.12
Role: project participant (PI: Ming Zhou, Tsinghua University)
Contact Information
Address: Wennan Building, 211, Tsinghua University
Phone: 86-10-62795726