December 5th, 2019, Wennan 204: Dr. Samuel Heidepriem, postdoctoral fellow in Tsinghua's Institute for World Literatures and Cultures, and Prof. Fan Dahan from the Department of Philosophy gave a joint lunch talk on the concept of freedom in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Dr. Heidepriem began by introducing Kant’s understanding of moral and political freedom, illustratingthese concepts theoretically and with examples from daily life. He concluded by discussing Kant’s theory of enlightenment as the courage and resolutionto use one’s own reason independently. Prof. Fan illuminated the concept of freedom in the context of Kantian aesthetics, explaining Kant’s theory of the “free play” of mental faculties which takes place in aesthetic judgment. After the presentations the audience raised various questions related to the application of Kantian morality and the details of aesthetic judgment.
