讲座题目:Turks, Jews, and Lutherans: Temporal Law and Moral Agency in More and Tyndale’s heresy debates
主讲人:Rhema Hokama (新加坡设计技术大学英国文学助理教授)
时间:2019年11月7日(周四)下午1:15 - 3:15
主持人:陈湘静 (bat365在线平台官网外文系、世文院博士后)
Recent scholarship has framed the heresy debates between Thomas More and William Tyndale as a clash between More’s preference for inherited church tradition and Tyndale’s insistence on a doctrine of sola scriptura. In this talk, I argue that this critical approach ignores the real issue at the heart of the debate: the relationship between temporal events and spiritual reality.
In their discussion of the Ottoman invasion of Belgrade and Rhodes, More and Tyndale offered opposing explanations for why historical events unfold the way they do—both in terms of broad cultural transformation and in terms of the personal and private developments that shape the trajectory of an individual human life. In doing so, More and Tyndale present two radically different epistemological arguments for how an individual might understand his role within the religious upheavals of early sixteenth-century England, and articulate his own agency within and against those cultural developments.
Rhema Hokama (RAY-muh Ho-CAH-muh) received her PhD from the English department at Harvard University. She is currently assistant professor of English literature at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), a new university established in collaboration with MIT. At SUTD, Rhema teaches classes on Shakespeare, lyric, and global literature. Her academic work has been published in Shakespeare Quarterly, Milton Studies, Parergon, and Multicultural Shakespeare. She has just completed a book manuscript entitled The Reformation of Desire: Poetry, Prayer, and Devotion from Shakespeare to Milton.