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bat365在线平台官网外文系:外文-世文薪火学术沙龙 第二十四期 探究大地上的风景:发现前-风景与后浪漫主义

时间:2018-03-19 14:06:30


外文-世文薪火学术沙龙 第二十四期






Landscape is a “secondary nature” or “second nature,” if I borrow from Thoreau’s terminology, and it signifies a view of the natural world which is pre-organized, pre-structured, stylized, and textualized as landscape by our senses together with a set of aesthetics or ideology or tradition or culture incorporated into our gaze. Contrary to the landscape representation, the natural environment as it is should be called as “pre-landscape” which refers something unarticulated by language, a shapeless chaos from which “landscapes are created by men intent on ordering and shaping space for their own ends.” (John R. Stilgoe) Thus the gap between the natural world and human knowledge, or between land and landscape, is the problem to which my argument addresses by using the dichotomy of landscape/pre-landscape or landscape/land.

In this lecture I would like to discuss the idea of landscape in Japanese literature, specifically that in the modern literature in Japan: how modern Japanese writers responded to the idea of landscape, through reading several passages written by Japanese and American writers. Focusing on the historical and epistemological problems like “pre-landscape” and “post-Romanticism,” which are closely related to and derived from the concept of landscape, a comparative approach between Japanese literature and American literature will be taken to clarify what the idea of landscape means to the modern writers. My main concern is to observe how the writers, either in Japan and in the U.S, have been grappling with and reached to the idea of “pre-landscape” or that of “wildness” or “wilderness” which characterizes the post-Romantic landscape idea.

主讲人:野田研一(Noda Kenichi)

    日本著名美国文学研究专家、立教大学名誉教授。1974年毕业于中央大学文学科,1978年毕业于立教大学大学院文学研究科英美文学专业,获硕士学位。历任札幌商科大学英文科、金泽大学教育学部副教授,2002年任立教大学大学院异文化交流研究科教授。1993年创立日本环境文学学会(ASLE-Japan)并任会长。创办《文学与环境》杂志。著有:《交感と表象 ネイチャーライティングとは何か》(松柏社 2003)、《自然を感じるこころ ネイチャーライティング入門》(ちくまプリマー新書 2007)、《失われるのは、ぼくらのほうだ 自然?沈黙?他者 (エコクリティシズム?コレクション)》(水声社 2016)等。另有多部著作被翻译成中文:《越境之地》(中国社会科学出版社 2014)、《自然和文学的对话》(中国社会科学出版社 2014)、《日本生态文学前沿理论研究》(中国社会科学出版社 2014)等。




时间:     2018322日周四 12:00-13:00

地点:     文南楼204会议室




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