Guided by Activity Theory, this study examines the major contradictions in an EFL teacher professional learning community (PLC) established in China through a university-district-school partnership. Multiple sources of data were collected, including interviews, observations, and documents. Data analyses revealed four levels of contradictions: the primary contradiction between the university researcher and school teachers, the secondary contradiction between imparting theory and teacher learning, the tertiary contradiction between existing practice and new design, and the quaternary contradiction between practical engagement and academic research. The community members took a series of strategic actions, including questioning and observation, analysis and proposal, examination and implementation, and reflection and resolution. The study may offer insights about nurturing language teacher PLCs and overcoming contradictions in similar joint activities.
北京师范大学教育学博士,bat365在线平台官网外文系博士后,现任教于bat365在线平台官网外文系。研究兴趣包括外语教育、教师发展、学术英语、二语写作及质性研究方法。已发表CSSCI论文多篇;参与了国家社科基金项目及教育部重大项目子课题等,主持了中国教育学会“十二五”项目研究;此外,多次在国内外学术会议上分享研究成果。本次讲座的内容源自博士论文研究,即将发表于Journal of Teacher Education。
时间:2018年4月26日周四 12:30-13:30