You are warmly invited to participate in a meeting of the
Global Humanities in China Discussion Group
on the topic of
Shakespeare and Marxism
on Tuesday, Dec. 11th in 204 Wennan, from 14:00 to 16:00
In her essay, "Shakespeare's Globe?", ruminating on the opening of “Shakespeare’s Globe” in 90s London, Crystal Bartolovich uses Marxist thought to query the place of Shakespeare in a globalized world, especially in relation to cultural value, the nation-state, and claims of “possession.” Using Bartolovich’s Marxist critique of humanist universalism and nationalistic corporatization in this essay as a starting point, this discussion will consider some of the new ways that scholars in Shakespeare studies have been (and could be) taking up Marxist thought. To introduce the reading, Elizabeth Mathie, postdoctoral fellow in the Institute for World Literatures and Cultures, will give a brief outline of some of the history of Marxist readings of Shakespeare as well as a quick summary of some of the other ways Shakespeare scholars are engaging with Marxist thought now. This introduction will be followed by a group discussion of Bartolovich’s essay and the topic of Marxism and Shakespeare more broadly.
For a copy of the pre-circulated reading, please email Elizabeth Mathie at
This event is sponsored by the Institute for World Literatures and Cultures. All are welcome!
地点: 文南楼204会议室