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bat365在线平台官网外文系“语言、文化与社会”学科群学术活动—Charles Altieri教授/院士讲座

时间:2019-05-27 19:30:12

题目:Pound and the Limitations of Imagism

主讲人:Charles Altieri教授/院士


时间:2019年5月31日(周五) 19:00-21:00



Professor Charles Altieri is Rachel Stageberg Anderson Chair Professor and Director of the Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley, and member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

He teaches courses in Nineteenth Century Thought, Victorian Literature, Modern and Contemporary English and American Poetry, Modern and Classical Literary Theory, and Literature and the Visual Arts.

He has written books on twentieth century American poetry, on aesthetic topics, and on literature and the visual arts, including Reckoning with the Imagination: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Literary Experience, The Art of Twentieth-Century American Poetry, and Bibliography of Modern and Contemporary Anglo-American Poetry. He has also published hundreds of articles in international academic journals.


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