清华论坛-世文系列 & 世文国际研讨课
— Martin Puchner教授/院士学术活动
Martin Puchner is the Byron and Anita Wien Professor of Drama and of English and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. His prize-winning books and anthologies range from philosophy to the arts, and his best-selling Norton Anthology of World Literature and his HarvardX online course have brought 4000 years of literature to students across the globe. His most recent book, The Written World, tells the story of literature from the invention of writing to the Internet. It has been widely reviewed, appeared on over 50 radio and television shows, and is being translated into twenty languages. He is a member of the European Academy and has received numerous awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Cullman Fellowship, the Berlin Prize, and the Massachusetts Book Award.
Martin Puchner是哈佛大学戏剧、英语文学与比较文学拜伦与安妮塔·韦恩讲座教授。他的著述涉及哲学、文学和艺术,由他任总主编的畅销书《诺顿世界文学选》与由他主讲的哈佛网络课程将四千年的人类文学带给全世界的学生。他的近著《文字的力量》讲述文学从书写的发明到因特网时代的历程。此书在全世界广受好评,出现在超过50个广播和电视节目里,正被译为20种文字。他是欧洲科学院院士,获得过多种奖项,包括古根海姆学者奖、卡尔曼学者奖、柏林奖和马萨诸塞图书奖。
Lecture: The Story of Literature, from the Tablet to the Internet.
I will take the audience on a romp through world literature by focusing on the intersection of storytelling and writing technologies, including the inventions of paper, parchment, and print and their influence on literature. Along the way, I will unfold four stages of literature, beginning with foundational epics and the sayings of master teachers (such as Buddha and Socrates) to the rise of story collections and a modern world literature. Having begun in Mesopotamia four thousand years ago, I will end in 1968, near the moon.
Seminar I: World Literature: The Curious History of an Idea.
On January 31st, 1827, the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe shocked his secretary with a new word: world literature. Goethe had just read a Chinese novel. Reflecting on this experience, he realized that humanity was entering a new phase: the phase of world literature. Coined in provincial Weimar, the idea of world literature soon caught the imagination of Marx and Engels, as well as of those seeking to promote national literatures within an international context, until it was adopted all over the globe by the early twentieth century. What can we learn from this history? And what does the term world literature mean today?
Seminar II: How to anthologize the world
I will take my point of departure from my experience as general editor of the Norton Anthology of World Literature, the leading anthology of world literature in the United States. Its purpose is pedagogical: over 1000 universities and colleges use it for introductory courses in world literature. But because of its influence, this anthology has come to define the canon of world literature in the United States. I will discuss how I and my team produced this anthology and what criteria we used. For many of the editors, it changed our view of literature. For me, it led to writing The Written World: How Literature Shapes History, an attempt to tell the story of literature by focusing on scribes, scribal kings, editors, secretaries, and collectors as well as contemporary curators and aggregators. At the center of this history stands the anthology.