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时间:2018-04-03 14:55:18








Professor Victor Junnan Pan is a Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (法兰西大学学院青年院士), an Associate Professor with tenure in theoretical linguistics at the University Paris 7, habilitated for PhD students supervision, and a research staff member affiliated in Laboratoire de Linguisitique Formelle. He also served as an executive committee member of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) and of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL). Specializing in Generative Syntax, Prof. Pan’s research covers Chinese syntax, French syntax, syntax-semantic-discourse interfaces, etc. and the topics he investigated include interrogatives (wh-in-situ, wh-ex-situ), quantification in formal linguistics, information structure (topicalization, focalization), left-periphery, cartography, resumptivity and different types of A'-dependency. Prof. Pan has published journal articles, book chapters and five research monographs both in French and in English. His recent book Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese: A Minimalist Account (Mouton De Gruyter, 2016) not only gives a thorough description of the distribution of resumptive dependencies in different contexts from a comparative perspective but also offers a theoretical account in the framework of the Minimalist Program, which improves the general understanding of resumptivity crosslinguistically. His forthcoming book The Architecture of Periphery in Chinese: Cartography and Minimalism (Routledge, 2018) provides a new perspective on the study of peripheral functional projections in Chinese.


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