清华新闻网5月1日电(通讯员 苑桐 北园 黎明)在庆祝外文系建系90周年之际,外文系 “学术系庆”首场学术论坛“世界地图与世界文化:清华-康奈尔学术论坛” 于4月15日至16日在bat365在线平台官网甲所举行,来自康奈尔大学英文系、比较文学系、亚洲研究系、图书馆和bat365在线平台官网外文系、图书馆的中美学者代表40余人参加论坛。论坛开幕式上,外文系主任、世文院院长颜海平向康奈尔大学比较文学、跨文化理论暨亚洲研究资深教授酒井直树颁发了世文院国际访问教授邀请书。

康奈尔大学酒井直树(Naoki Sakai) 、洛伦兹 (Philip Lorenz)、埃贝尔(Pedro Erber)教授、bat365在线平台官网外文系颜海平、陈永国、曹莉、王成、隽雪燕等围绕“民族主义与世界主义”“政治秩序与文学文本”“现代主权与现代文学”“知识生产与区域研究”“《大同书》与跨国思考”等命题展开发言,从历史经验中汲取洞识。康奈尔大学总图书馆副馆长李欣、东亚图书馆长郑力人,bat365在线平台官网图书馆馆长邓景康、外文系杨永林、余石屹等教授分别聚焦“学术资源数字化”“数字化时代作为文科实验室的图书馆”“多媒体外语教学”“ MOOC与SPOC”等话题,从信息技术革命的不同角度探讨外文暨人文教学与科研的方法变革及其历史内涵。
为展示清华外文人文青年学者的研究成果,鼓励他们参与国际学术对话,论坛设置了题为“多元视角”的青年教师专场。外文系青年学者先后以“康德式世界主义的三层图景”(周允程)、 “巴比塔之外的人文共识”(王敬慧)、“《哈姆雷特》与莎士比亚在中国的双重传统”(刘昊)、“道家哲学与格林童话”(王丽平)、“世界主义与惯习之域”(孙赛茵)为题,从哲学、文学、翻译、改编和比较研究等多个角度尝试“由阐释世界以叙述中国”的学理思路,为论坛贡献了各自领域中丰富新颖的案例研究。

世界地图与世界文化: 清华-康奈尔学术论坛
World Maps and World Cultures: Tsinghua-Cornell Symposium
The theme of the symposium is the investigation and outlook of the new trends in the development of the Humanities in the era of globalization. In celebration of her 90th birthday, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures is to hold a series of academic events to mark this landmark anniversary. The Tsinghua-Cornell symposium is the first of the 90th Anniversary and IWLC (Institute for World Literatures and Cultures) Series of Symposia, which will be participated by scholars of humanities from both prestigious universities. The Symposium will, from the angle of the modern formation and evolution of the organizing principles of literature and library science, carry out the investigation from two aspects: one, the relationship between the physical boundaries and conceptual projections in the area constructs as we know them today such as "the world", "the west" and " the other" etc., how such a relationship has further influenced the formation of the concept for the world, and the politics and historicity rooted in them; two, academic resources today are presented to scholars of humanities in brand-new forms such as digitalization etc.. The new forms for information communication and sharing brought about by new technologies will become the historical condition for the structural changes of academic development and cross-cultural, trans-regional collaborative innovation of humanities scholars. Contemporary scholars are actively rethinking our various cognitive forms for the world of the humanities and their intellectual logics. They confront the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that have been brought forth by the technological revolution so as to redefine the relationship between the global production of knowledge and themselves.
April 15 4月15日 9:00—9:20 Jiasuo Conference Room No.2 甲所第二会议室 |
9:00-9:20 Opening Remarks on the 90th Anniversary and IWLC Series by Chen Yongguo 陈永国主持 Present International Visiting Fellow Certificate of IWLC to Naoki Sakai by Yan Haiping 颜海平向酒井直树颁发世文国际访问讲座教授聘书 Address by Naoki Sakai 酒井直树致辞 Address by Xin Li李欣致辞 |
9:20-9:30 Photo Session合影(Bingsuo Front Steps 丙所门口) |
Panel 1 The West and the Tropics of Area Studies
第一场 “西方”与区域研究之譬喻
9:30—10:45 Jiasuo Conference Room No. 2甲所第二会议室 |
Chair: Yongguo Chen 主持人:陈永国 |
9:30-10:00 | Naoki Sakai酒井直树:The West and the Tropics of Area Studies “西方”与区域研究之譬喻 |
10:00-10:30 | Discussants: Cheng Wang, Xueyan Juan 评议人:王成、隽雪艳 Discussion 讨论 |
10:30-10:45 | Tea Break 茶歇 |
Panel 2 Politics and Aesthetics of Modern World and Its Orders: Past and Present
第二场 现代世界的政治、美学及其秩序:过去与现在
10:45—14:30 Jiasuo Conference Room No. 2甲所第二会议室 |
Chair: Naoki Sakai 主持人:酒井直树 |
10:45-11:15 | Philip Lorenz: Baroque Files: the Crisis of Metaphor 巴洛克文档:隐喻的危机 |
11:15-11:45 | Pedro Erber: Comparison beyond Measure: How to Think Transnationally after the End of Area Studies? 超越尺度的比较:区域研究终结之后如何跨国思考? |
12:00-13:00 | Buffet Lunch Jiasuo Restruant 甲所餐厅 |
13:30-14:00 | Haiping Yan 颜海平: Figures of the Unreal: Other Cosmopolitans 非真之在:别样的世界主义者 |
14:00-14:30 | Discussion 讨论 |
Panel 3 Re-Mapping the World: Libraries and the Humanists in the Era of the Digitals
第三场 重绘世界地图:图书馆与数字化时代的人文学者
14:30—17:45 Jiasuo Conference Room No. 2甲所第二会议室 |
Chair: HaipingYan 主持人:颜海平 |
14:30-15:00 | Xin Li 李欣: Library as the Laboratory for the Humanities in the Digital Era 图书馆:数字化时代人文学科的实验室 |
15:00-15:30 | Jingkang Deng 邓景康: Understanding the Role of Library in Enhancing Teaching and Research 认识图书馆,助力教学研 |
15:30-16:00 | Liren Zheng 郑力人: A Saga of Chinese-Western Language Dictionaries’ Development from the 16th Century to the 19th Century and the Possibility of Their Digitization for Research 中西文化交流的媒介:简评16世纪至19世纪中西文字典的发展和数据化的可能性 |
16:00-16:15 | Tea Break茶歇 |
16:15-16:45 | Yonglin Yang 杨永林: Rapidity in the digital era: From MOOCs to iSmart-TRP 数字化时代的迅捷性——从“慕课”到iSmart-TRP |
16:45-17:15 | Shiyi Yu 余石屹: Digital Humanities as An Approach to Foreign Literature Studies in China 数字化人文学与中国外国文学研究 |
17:15-17:45 | Discussion 讨论 |
18:00-19:30 | Welcome Dinner 欢迎晚宴 Jinchunyuan Restaurant近春园餐厅 |
19:30-20:30 | IWLC Joint-Committee Meeting Jiasuo Conference Room No. 2甲所第一会议室 |
Panel 4 Multiple Perspectives
第四场 多元视角
April 16 4月16日 9:00—10:30 Jiasuo Conference Room No. 2甲所第二会议室 |
Chair: Li Cao 主持人:曹莉 |
9:00-9:05 | Introduction by Li Cao 开场白 曹莉 |
9:05-9:15 | Yuncheng Zhou 周允程: A Plea for Kantian Cosmopolitanism 康德主义世界大同 |
9:15-9:25 | Jinghui Wang 王敬慧: Humanities around the Tower of Babel 巴比塔外的人文共识 |
9:25-9:35 | Ivy Hao Liu 刘昊: Hamlet and the Dual Tradition of Shakespeare in China 《哈姆雷特》与莎士比亚在中国的双重传统 |
9:35-9:45 | Liping Wang 王丽平: Pureness is Oneness – Chinese Daoism and the Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tale “纯”即“一”:道家哲学与格林童话 |
9:45-9:55 | Saiyin Sun 孙赛茵: The Problem of China: Bertrand Russell's Cosmopolitan Approach 中国问题:罗素的世界主义态度 |
9:55-10:15 | Comments and Discussion 评议和讨论 |
10:15-10:30 | Tea Break茶歇 |
Panel 5 Boundary-crossing Humanities: Tsinghua Tradition and its Renewal
第五场 跨界的人文学:清华人文学科之传统与创新
Roundtable 圆桌讨论
10:30-12:00 | Chair: Naoki Sakai, Yongguo Chen, Jingkang Deng 主持人:酒井直树、陈永国、邓景康 Participants:Haiping Yan, Yonglin Yang, Li Cao, Cheng Wang, Xueyan Juan et al. 参加者:颜海平、杨永林、曹莉、王成、隽雪艳等全体与会代表 |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch 午餐 Jinchunyuan Restaurant 近春园餐厅 |