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北京大学博士(1998),北京外国语大学博士后/副教授(1998-2000),bat365在线平台官网副教授(2000-2004)、教授(2004—),博士生导师(2005—),新教学科研系列长聘教授(2016—)。2005年获“bat365在线平台官网青年教师教学优秀奖”,同年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。2018年获选bat365在线平台官网第十八届“良师益友”。哈佛大学访问学者(2003-2004),剑桥大学访问学者(2007),加州大学伯克利校区富布莱特研究学者(Fulbright Research Scholar, 2009-2010)。教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——北京外国语大学“中国外语与教育研究中心”第五、六、七届学术委员会委员;国家社科基金项目通讯评委、成果鉴定专家;国家留学基金委评审专家;中国博士后科学基金通讯评议评审专家;教育部人文社科基金项目评审专家;教育部学位与研究生教育学科评估专家、学位论文评议专家;北京市哲学社会科学基金项目规划指南专家、项目评审及成果鉴定专家;中国社会科学评价研究院第三轮期刊评价工作同行评议专家;中国逻辑学会文体学专业委员会常务副会长;中国比较文学学会认知诗学研究会副会长。研究方向:语言学理论、语用学、文体学、叙事理论、认知诗学、翻译研究。开设课程:符号学理论专题研究;叙事理论专题研究;语用学;西方语言学史;现代语言学流派;英语文体学等。


(1) 国际期刊论文

Feng, Zongxin. (2024). At the Intersections of Stylistics, Narratology, and Translatology: Shen Dan’s Interdisciplinary Studies. Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, 8(1): 25-40. (Hong Kong: Knowledge Hub Publishing)

Feng, Zongxin. (2022). The Interaction and Rhetorical Conflict Between Systemic Linguistics and Generative Linguistics. Journal of World Languages, 8(1): 1-33. (De Gruyter)

Feng, Zongxin. (2022). Metonymy as a Semiotic Resource in Fictional Narrative. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 18(3): 475-491. (De Gruyter)

Feng, Zongxin. (2021). Reflections on the Reversed “Jabberwocky” in TTLG (Through the Looking-Glass at 150: Eight Retakes). Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction, 51(2): 353-357. (Penn State University Press)

Feng, Zongxin. (2016). Spontaneous Scripts as Fictional Narrative: An Innovation in Postmodern Fiction. Neohelicon, 43(1): 73-88. (Akadémiai Kiadó/Springer Netherlands)

Feng, Zongxin. (2016). Foreign Language/Literature as Human and Social Sciences in the Chinese Context. European Review, 24(2): 335-346. (Cambridge University Press)

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). The Logical Nature of Systemic-Functional Grammar and “Grammatical Logic”. Journal of World Languages, 1(3): 232-241. (Routledge)

Feng, Zongxin. (2013). A Mosaic of Fragments as Narrative Practice: Maqiao DictionaryNarrative, 21(3): 333-345. (Ohio State University Press)

Feng, Zongxin. (2009). Translation and Reconstruction of a Wonderland: Alice's Adventures in China. Neohelicon, 36(1): 237-251. (Akadémiai Kiadó/Springer Netherlands)

Feng, Zongxin. (2008). Fictional Narrative as History: Reflection and Deflection. Semiotica, 170: 187-199. (Walter de Gruyter)

Feng, Zongxin. (2003). Literary Discourse and the Translator's Role. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 11(1): 45-53. (Multilingual Matters Ltd/Routledge)

Feng, Zongxin & Dan Shen. (2001). The Play off the Stage: The Writer-Reader Relationship in Drama. Language and Literature, 10(1): 79-93. (Sage Publications)

(2) 专题研究文集与国际会议论文集

Feng, Zongxin. (2023). Textual Emotivity and Literary (Im)politeness. In C. Xie (ed.), Advancing (Im)politeness Studies: Cultural, Digital and Emotional Aspects, 115-132. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Feng, Zongxin. (2021). The Meta-ness of Metafiction from a Logical Perspective. In X. Shang (ed.), The Growth and Development of Stylistics in China, 211-229. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2019). A Mathematician’s Fairy Tale: Alice in Wonderland. The I-Harbour Lectures 2019 Foreign Languages and Culture Series, 2-25. Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2016). Style(s) in the Translation and Back-translation of a Classic. In Wu Xianyou (ed.). Stylistics in Progress, 369-387. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2015). Alice in Chinese Translation. In Jon Lindseth (ed.). Alice in a World of Wonderlands (Volume 1: Essays), 187-198. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2015). Chinese Alice 1922: Back Translation and Notes. In Jon Lindseth (ed.). Alice in a World of Wonderlands (Volume 2: Back-Translations), 122-127. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

Feng, Zongxin; Yizhen Wei; Howard Chang; Gina Chiu Chang. (2015). Chinese Translations and Adaptations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In Jon Lindseth (ed.). Alice in a World of Wonderlands (Volume 3: Checklists), 130-196. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). Edgar Allan Poe in Classical and Vernacular Chinese Translations. In Emron Esplin and Margarida Vale de Gato (eds.). Translated Poe (Perspectives on Edgar Allan Poe Series 3), 175-186. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Feng, Zongxin. (2014). Random Files as Fiction: A Stylistic-Narrative Innovation. In Su Xiaojun (ed.). Stylistics: Empirical, Cognitive, Interdisciplinary, 186-201. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2012). Sense and Nonsense: Metalinguistic Presentation of Absurdity in Through the Looking Glass. In Yu Shanzhi (ed.). Stylistics: Exploration and Application, 329-341. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2011). On the Logical Nature of Modality in Functional Grammar. Studies in Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis (III), 32-45. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2010). Hedged Performatives and Implicit Performatives in Fictional Discourse. In Yu Dongming (ed.). Stylistics: Past, Present and Future, 210-225. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2008). Metalanguage in the Making of Fiction. In Liu Shisheng et al (eds.). Stylistics: China and the World, 236-244. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2006). Metalinguistic Features and Literary Translatability. In Luo Xuanmin (ed.). Translation Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 258-269. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.

Feng, Zongxin. (2005). Hedged Fictional Propositions and Faithful Literary Translation, Translation Quarterly, 38: 42-61. (The Hong Kong Translation Society)

Feng, Zongxin. (2000). The Pragmatics of English Dialogues in the Chinese Context, Gothenburg Papers in Computational Linguistics (Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogues), 5: 79-84. (Gothenburg University)

Burstein, Mark, & Feng, Zongxin. (2015). Another Ben Trovato, Knight Letter, 2(24): 10-11. (The Lewis Carroll Society of North America, ISSN: 0193-886X)

(3) 国内期刊代表性论文

封宗信. (2023). 抒情歌词的逻辑语义偏离与概念创新. 《认知诗学》13: 113-128.

封宗信. (2021). 符号学视角下转喻的认知绕道. 《中国外语》18(1): 7-8.

封宗信. (2020). 现代语言学理论与文学批评理论的交集. 《北京第二外国语学院学报》42(1): 3-19.

封宗信. (2018). 文学理论与文学科学的理论问题. 《外国语言文学》35(4): 386-406.

封宗信. (2017). 当代语用学的多面性及其符号学维度,《外语教学与研究》49(5): 675-687.

封宗信. (2017). 认知转向下的后经典“文学学”,《认知诗学》4: 1-14.

封宗信. (2014). 结构主义的引进与中国本土文学批评理论,《文学理论前沿》12: 73-105.

封宗信. (2014). 日常语篇的文学性与片段随意拼接中的叙事性.《认知诗学》1: 46-55.

封宗信. (2013). 系统功能语言学中的“语法逻辑”,《当代外语研究》(4): 5-11.

封宗信. (2012). 语言的不确定性与系统功能语法的模糊性,《外语学刊》(5): 41-47.

封宗信. (2011).《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇》的认知诗学分析,《外国语文》27(2): 31-36.

封宗信. (2011). 系统功能语言学中的情态系统:逻辑、语义、语用,《外语教学》32(6): 1-5.

封宗信. (2008). 格莱斯原则四十年,《外语教学》29(5): 1-8.

封宗信. (2007). 小说中的元语言手段:叙述与评述,《外语教学》28(2): 7-11.

封宗信. (2006). 文学翻译中的元语言问题,《解放军外国语学院学报》(4): 62-66.

封宗信. (2005). 元语言与外语教学,《外语与外语教学》(9): 24-27.

封宗信. (2005). 语言学的元语言及其研究现状,《外语教学与研究》40(6): 403-410.

封宗信. (2005). 语言建构与现实主义小说中的真实悖论,《外语教学》26(1): 74-78.

封宗信. (2003). 文学语篇的多重结构与译者的多重角色,《中国翻译》24(3): 29-31.

封宗信. (2003). 论诚信原则在人际交流中的制约功能,《bat365在线平台官网学报(哲社版)》18(5): 76-80.

封宗信. (2002). 理想世界中的会话含义理论及其现实意义,《外语与外语教学》(8): 7-9.

封宗信. (2000). 叙事小说的语言形式与文学意义,《外国语》(4): 75-77.

封宗信. (2000). 论生成文体学的功能主义思想,《外语与外语教学》(1): 15-18.

封宗信. (1997). 语用学、文体学与文学研究,《国外文学》(3): 24-30.

胡壮麟、封宗信、罗郁. (1994). 大学英语教学中的习得,《外语教学与研究》(4): 15-18.

(4) 专著

封宗信. (2006).《现代语言学流派概论》,北京:北京大学出版社.

封宗信. (2002).《文学语篇的语用文体学研究》(英文版),北京:bat365在线平台官网出版社.

刘润清、封宗信. (2003).《语言学理论与流派》(英文版),南京:南京师范大学出版社.

(5) 译著

《悖论与谬误》(马丁•加德纳趣味数学全集1), 上海科技教育出版社, 2020.

《迷宫与黄金分割》(马丁•加德纳趣味数学全集2), 上海科技教育出版社, 2020.

《幻方与折纸艺术》(马丁•加德纳趣味数学全集3), 上海科技教育出版社, 2020.

《悖论与谬误:科学美国人趣味数学集锦》, 上海科技教育出版社, 2012.

《迷宫与幻方:科学美国人趣味数学集锦》, 上海科技教育出版社, 2012.

《科学美国人趣味数学集锦之一》, 上海科技教育出版社, 2009.

《科学美国人趣味数学集锦之二》, 上海科技教育出版社, 2008.

《奥特兰多城堡》(西方哥特小说经典), 百花文艺出版社, 1998.

《非此即彼》(克尔凯郭尔文丛), 中国工人出版社, 1997/2009.

《美国在线》, 上海科技教育出版社, 2000.






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