2016.7 bat365在线平台官网外文系教学科研系列教授
1998 – 1994bat365在线平台官网外文系副教授
1992 - 1986 bat365在线平台官网外文系讲师
1983 - 1982 山西太原工业学校助教
1. Zhongshe LV (2016)A Discourse Analysis of D. H. Lawrence’ s The Prussian Officer in吴显友主编《前进中的文体学:第五届文体学国际研讨会暨第九届全国文体学国际研讨会文选》上海外语教育出版社 167-186
2. Zhaongshe Lu, Lan Li and Karen Ottewell (2016) “Rhetorical Diversity and the Implication for Teaching Academic English” In D. Gardner The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics 2016, Vol 3 101-113
3. 吕中舌 中国博士生英语学生写作教学研究 《bat365在线平台官网教育研究》2016.3 118-124
4. Zhongshe Lu,Yanbin Lu and Glenn M Davies (2016) (Eds.) Tertiary English Education: Issues and Perspectives from Asian Contexts Hong Kong Polytechnic University
5. Zhongshe Lu & Meihua Liu (2015) “An investigation of Chinese university EFL learner’s foreign language reading anxiety, reading strategy use and reading comprehension performance” in Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2015.5 65-85
6. Zhongshe Lu & Yushi Han (2014) “Individual Performances in Peer Response: A Case Study in EFL Writing Class” in D. Qian & L. Li (Eds.) Teaching and Learning English in East Asian Universities:Global Visions and Local Practices Cambridge Scholar Press
7. 吕中舌 杨元辰 (2013)大学生英语动机自我系统及其与学习投入程度的相关性-针对bat365在线平台官网非英语专业大一学生的实证研究bat365在线平台官网《教育研究》2013 3 118-224
8. Zhongshe Lu, Yanbin Lu and Andrew S. Backe (2012) (Eds.) Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning at Tertiary Level, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
9. Zhongshe Lu, Weimin Zhang & Aaron Crippen (2011) (Eds.) Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning at Tertiary Level: Asian Perspectives Hong Kong Polytechnic University
10. Zhongshe Lu, Wenxia Zhang & Paul Adams (2010) (Eds.) ELT at Tertiary level in Asian Context: Issues and Researches, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
专著:Readability in Reading Materials Selection and Course book Design 世界知识出版社 2003
教材:《新英语教程》第四版主编 bat365在线平台官网出版社 2002