Zhang, Y.: Erzaehlung, Kognition und Kultur. Mentis 2011.
Zhang, Y. and Lauer, G. (eds.): Cross-Cultural Reading. Special Issue of Comparative Literature Studies. 2017. 54 (4).
Zhang, Y.: Interdisciplinary Study on Cross-Cultural Poetry Reading. Comparative Literature Studies. 2017. 54(4), 850-868.(A&HCI)
Zhang, Y. and Lauer, G. : Introduction:Cross-Cultural Reading. Special Issue of Comparative Literature Studies. 2017. 54(4), 693-701.(A&HCI)
Zhang, Y. and Lauer, G.: How Culture Shapes the Reading of Fairy Tales: a Cross-Cultural Approach. Comparative Literature Studies. 2015. 52(4), 663-681.(A&HCI)全文.pdf
Zhang, Y.: Literatur als Mechanismus der Subjektkonstitution im Fall der Schiller-Rezeption. In: Literaturstrasse. Chinesisch-deutsches Jahrbuch fuer Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, 2014, 261-272.全文.pdf
Zhang, Y.: Embodied Mind and Cross-Cultural Narrative Patterns. In: M. Callies, W. R. Keller and A. Lohoefer (eds.): Bi-Directionality of Cognitive Sciences. Avenues, Challenges, and Limitations. John Benjamins Publishing 2011. 171-180.
Zhang, Y.: Culture and Reading. Cultural Thought Systems on the Understanding of Fairy Tales. In: J. Auracher and W. van Peer (eds.): New Beginnings in Literary Studies. Cambridge Scholar Publishing 2008. 218-237.
Zhang, Y.: Ueber anthropologische und kognitive Rezeptionsbedingungen von Kinderliteratur. In: Universal-, Global- und Nationalkulturen. Nationalliteratur und Weltliteratur, 2007,151-155.
Aug. 2018 "Cognitive and Empirical Approaches to the Study of Cross-Cultural Literary Comprehension." Comparative Cultural Studies Conference, Budapest (Plenary Lecture 大会特邀讲座)
Oct. 2017 “Literariness in Cross-Cultural Poetry Reading”. Empirical Studies of Literariness - An Interdisciplinary Conference. Paris Institute of Advanced Studies. Paris, France. (特邀报告)
July 2016 “How Culture Shapes Story Interpretation”. XV. Biennial Conference of International Society of the Empirical Study of Literature. Chicago, USA. (Session Chair)
Feb. 2016 “Neurocognitive Poetics and Cross-cultural Literary Comprehension”. Free University of Berlin, Germany. (特邀报告)
Aug. 2015 “Interkulturalitaet des Verstehens als Grundlage der Interkulturalitaet der Wissenschaft”. XIII. Congress of International Association for Germanic Studies. Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
Feb. 2009 “Global Understanding: Prototype of Cross-Cultural Narrative Patterns”. Conference of Bi-directional Perspectives in the Cognitive Sciences. Marburg, Germany.
May 2007 “Cross-Cultural Psychology and Literary Comprehension”. University of California, Berkeley, USA. (特邀报告)
Aug. 2006 “The Influence of the Cultural Thinking Models on Literary Reception”. X. Biennial of International Society of the Empirical Study of Literature. Munich, Germany. (Best Doctoral Student Paper Award)
Aug. 2005 “Die anthropologischen und kognitiven überlegungen zum interkulturellen Wahrnehmungsmuster”.XI Congress of International Association for Germanic Studies. Université de Paris - Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Aug. 2004 “Culture-Comparative Reading Research”. Interdisciplinary Empirical Investigations of Literature. Summer Institute and IX. Biennial Conference of International Society of the Empirical Study of Literature. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
July 2004 “Schiller in the Judgment of the German Bourgeoisie”. XXIV. International Conference of Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), New York University, NY, USA.